Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A boy of his own

This evening when I let Bravo out after dinner, there were several boys skateboarding in the driveway of the house behind us. Bravo went to watch them, and the littlest one came over to the fence to pet him. Bravo would let the boy pet him through the fence, then race around the yard a couple of times, and go back to the corner to repeat the process. He also jumped up on the fence so the boy could more easily pet him. Eventually, he just sat in the corner and leaned on the fence while the boy was petting him. Must have been at least 10 minutes they sat there. Then Harry came out and started barking at Bravo, and he asked to be let in.

I could swear I heard him say he wanted a boy of his own. Or a girl...

And yesterday night, he did ask why K's door was closed. When I opened it, he went in and looked on the bed to see if she was there...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Going for it

Well, I've signed up for an agility trial on April 6th. I'm a bit nervous about it. I used to show in obedience, and you can really prepare for that, because you know just what will be required of you. And to start with, your dog is on leash. In trail class, I didn't know what the course would be like, but I at least had reins to control the horse. Doesn't work that way in agility. The dog is off leash the entire time.

Bravo does pretty well in our usual indoor class, but I can't forget the times I took him to outdoor class. We were inside a hockey enclosure, with the opening gated off. He still left me in the middle of a run to go see who was along the sides. He even made it out of the gate once. I can just see that happening at the trial.

Ah well, this is a sport for fun. I just have to rein in that competitiveness and the idea that we have to be perfect. And just go for it...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mood Painting

Deb pointed me to a website where you can take a personality quiz, and it then creates a painting based on your answers. This was my painting.

I decided to do another one with different answers and came up with: