Friday, March 20, 2009

Dog jokes

Dinner conversation tonight turned to inside jokes, and Russ said dogs have inside jokes. When I said that I wasn't sure dogs laugh, he went off on a whole riff about dogs laughing.

He said (I'm paraphrasing a bit): When dogs appear to be sniffing each other's bums, they are really communicating in frequencies outside our range of hearing. Things like: Is your owner crazy? Yeah, mine is too. And then they laugh. Or Does your owner have crazy rules like only feeding you in the morning and when they come home? Don't they know that dogs eat all the time? And then they laugh.

Here are dog jokes according to Russ:

How high does a chihuahau pee? Not very high.

How does the squirrel cross the road? He's chased by a dog.

That last one would be Bravo's favorite, if he actually did tell jokes.