Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, the cap on my front tooth chipped. (Yes, I was using my teeth as a tool. Just to open a sugar packet, but still, bad idea.) Now, the history of that cap was not pleasant. The last time it was replaced, I was 21. The dentist took off the temporary cap to match the color, and the pain was excruciating. That was when I fainted, and woke to find the chair reclined far enough for my head to be lower than the rest of my body.

So today when my dentist told me that replacing the temporary cap with a permanent one was the easy part, no novocain needed, I was a trifle... shall we say, concerned. Much to my surprise, it was pretty easy. It took an hour and a half, but much of that time I was calmly reading while the lab was adjusting the tint on the new cap.

It looks great! Matches nicely, with no more dark line around the top. And I love my dentist!