Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 days in Obamaland

Just got back from 3 days in Chicago. It hadn't occurred to me that this is an exciting time to be there. But on Monday, Obama's press conference with Hilary Clinton took place at the Hilton where we stayed last year and the year before. Monday night we walked by the Federal building and it was surrounded by what looked like police cars, but they had "Homeland Security" on the sides. One of the cab drivers pointed out to Russ where there was a lot of activity on a nearby street - where Obama's headquarters was located. And today as I left, some of the streets were blocked off. I assume it was due to traffic coming in for today's press conference announcing the Commerce Secretary. That press conference was at the Hilton again.

This year, though, we were staying at the Palmer House. None of it actually inconvenienced me. In a way, I wish it had. It's not very interesting to be saying "I was a few blocks away" and "It was nearby, but I didn't know anything until it was all over". Having trouble getting out of your hotel, being checked by the Secret Service - that would have been interesting. A few days of being inconvenienced would have been kind of exciting. After all, I didn't really have to be anywhere at a particular time.

But I imagine people trying to get around Chicago might get a little annoyed.