Thursday, January 1, 2009

End of year book review

In 2008, I started keeping an online record of the books I read. Well, 2 online records actually. I use LibraryThing for books I own, and Goodreads for those I borrow and ones I want to read. The counts show that in 2008 I read 55 borrowed books and 56 books that I own. 40 of those were books I had read before. And I already have 1 counted as read in 2009 - I started it in 2008.

I know, it's kind of silly to keep two separate lists. I really like different things about both sites, and couldn't make a decision (which shouldn't surprise those of you who know me). Of course, now that I've joined Facebook, I find there ways of keeping track of books there, too. But I'm resisting. Two sites is plenty.

Actually, when I look at the numbers, I feel they are low. Only 111? I thought I read more than that. Though I guess it is more than 2 books a week...

Why so many re-reads? Well, I decided to read some of the Judy Bolton series again - originally read when I was a kid. And then I read a biography of Georgette Heyer, and that made me want to read her books again. Plus I counted the audiobooks I listened to - mostly on the trips to and from Beloit - and many of them I had read before.

Favorites over the year?
- The Elemental Master series by Mercedes Lackey (thanks for mentioning these, Gaea! - I hadn't read her books before).
- The Sebastien St. Cyr mystery series set in Regency England - I was at Uncle Hugo's, and just wandered into the Uncle Edgar's side and noticed one of them. Once I borrowed one from the library, I started reading the whole series.
- Best of Friends by Sara James and Ginger Mauney - which I bought because Sara spoke at my UVA reunion
- New Robin McKinley books, and ones I had missed (Dragonhaven, Sunshine, Deerskin, Chalice) - because I found her blog
- The Family Tree by Sheri Tepper - thanks, Jason!

And obviously, my old favorites - Georgette Heyer's romances.

On to 2009. I'll see if I can read more books than I acquire. Maybe not a good start today - I finished one book and bought 3...