Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ice stories

I don't think it got above zero today. It was -23 when I got up this morning. It was so cold that my car seemed to be complaining about starting.

Actually, I don't mean any of those statements as serious whining - it's really kind of boasting. I mean, us Minnesotans ain't no wimps! Look at what we deal with!

By the way, there was an interesting item in the paper last weekend. Just an ordinary robbery - they stole a flat screen TV. The twist is, they stole it from an ice house. Yep, one of those temporary structures that gets hauled out onto the frozen lakes so folks can be protected from the elements while they drill a hole in the ice in order to fish. By definition they cannot be completely secured, since the whole point is to get to the ice (so one assumes they don't have a full floor, and they have to be light enough to be movable).

The whole concept of ice fishing is absurd to me. Seems to me that if you fit it up with a TV and I assume a generator, maybe a stereo? Wii? computer? - you are really making clear the true purpose of the building - it's a "man cave". At least you won't need a refrigerator for the beer.