Thursday, February 12, 2009

A higher standard

I was just browsing articles on Huffington Post when I found this one from Mark Nickolas. He took the answers Obama gave at his first press conference, and used Word's readability tool to compare them to the answers W gave at his first press conference. The results? W's answers were at a 7th grade reading level, and Obama's were at a 10th grade level.

Now, I'm not familiar with Word's "readability", but I'm not at all surprised at those statistics. Bush did a lot of things I didn't like, but what I found unforgiveable was his disdain for intellectualism. Even if I don't agree with them, I can respect someone who seeks the advice of experts, especially if that person listens to experts on both sides of a question. Someone who just listens to his cronies does not deserve any position of authority, much less the Presidency.