Sunday, January 13, 2008


I changed the name of my blog. One of my favorite quotes is Harriet Vane to Lord Peter Wimsey in Strong Poison by Dorothy Sayers: "If anyone ever marries you, it will be for the pleasure of hearing you talk piffle." Plus I just like the word Piffle.

The house is very quiet again. It seems unfamiliar, even though Karis was only home for a few weeks.

I really liked Juno. We went last night and were very entertained. The dialog is great, the characters amusing, and the whole thing was just plain fun.

Bravo and I have been taking walks in the woods a lot. I let him off leash, and practice the idea that if he comes when I call, he'll get cheese. He decides to make a game of "take off racing around in the brush, then go back to Julie and see if she'll give you cheese". Yesterday we walked across the small pond on the way back. Today, though, we went to the dog park. We practiced the idea that if we are playing ball, he won't get the cheese unless he brings the ball close enough for me to reach. This was a much harder concept. But Bravo is in favor of anything that involves cheese. Or hot dogs. Or really, anything edible. And he has a pretty broad concept of what is edible.

You may notice I've stopped the Fortune Cookie of the Day. I have gotten a lot of dumb fortune cookies lately, and just decided to take a break for now.

Well, enough piffling. Russ and I are off to Trader Joe's.