Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween and other piffle

So I am posting this on my lunch hour, and I am not at home. I am sitting in a Brueggers and using my laptop, just like all the cool busy people. Of course, I had no real reason to need to do this. But I have a laptop and I can!

Halloween blew up into a real issue at work. An email came out yesterday saying that anyone who had children trick-or-treating could leave at 4 today. I thought I'd be a smart-ass and replied that my daughter was trick-or-treating, so I thought I should leave early. Even though she's in college in another state. So then my manager talked to the VP and he said maybe they should just not let anyone leave early. And then my local boss talked to my manager and ... it was just suddenly a big issue. A later email came from the President saying essentially the same thing, though, so it's not like my region can just change a Home Office rule.

I didn't mean it to be a big issue - it wasn't that important to me. But I do think it is discriminatory, and contrary to best HR practices. After all, when they say we can leave early for Christmas holiday, they don't limit that to just the Christians. Oh well, I guess it will blow over.

Jason came over last night and borrowed a white shirt and tie so he can dress up "as something really scary - the Geek Squad!" The amusing thing is that he borrowed the tie from his sister. She still had a plain black tie from her Saddle-Seat competition days. She has also taught some of the boys she knows to tie them. It amuses me.

It's a lovely day today, so maybe I'll sit out on the front porch to hand out candy. The last time I remember doing that was the year before the Halloween blizzard. I'm VERY glad we don't have to worry about 3 feet of snow this year.

Nothing much going on this weekend. Russ has a meeting most of the day on Saturday. I do have plans to take my new picture of Beta to be framed. I'm so excited about that. It's a pastel portrait from a photo - my friend did a really good job and he looks awesome. I'll have to take a photo of it to post. I had totally given up on ever getting the portrait, so it was quite a shock when she left a message that it was done.

And since it's supposed to be a really nice weekend, I am looking forward to long walks, and possibly a dog park...

Happy Halloween!