Thursday, September 1, 2011

365 Grateful

I recently ran across a project called 365 Grateful ( The idea is that every day, you record something for which you are grateful. You can  do it in a variety of ways, but as with the creator, photography was the medium that spoke to me so I decided to try it on this blog.

I'd actually been thinking about this concept since I listened to Notes From A Small Island by Bill Bryson while I was traveling with Karis in California. In one section of the book, he talked about the British capacity for making the best of things. I think of this concept as "Ooh tea! Lovely!". (That might not mean much to you if you haven't read the book.)

So in no particular order, here goes.

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I'm grateful for a freshly groomed Bravo, with his gorgeous fluffy tail and wide smile, and what Russ refers to as his "ascot".