Saturday, September 17, 2011

Doubly grateful

Ok, so obviously I'm not going to manage a daily post. The last post was a little weird. The ubiquitous 9/11 hype was annoying me, and I didn't want to mention it. But the post did have to do with some of my feelings about the event and .... never mind, I don't want to go there.

Anyway, I'm still going to try to post, but I'm going to give myself a break by not expecting it will be every day.

Since it's been a while - or just because I feel like it - today is a two-fer. The first thing is that I love the light rail. I wish I lived closer to the line. I'd like to ride it more often. If I move to another city that has a subway/light rail, I'm going to try to find a place to live close to a station. As it is, I usually have to make an occasion to use it, as I did today. I did a little shopping at the Mall of America, then took the light rail to Franklin Avenue and walked to Mezzanine for a haircut.

(I tried to get a picture including the train, but the phone was slow to respond and I missed the shot. Good thing I'd taken this one as practice. I also like that you can see downtown in the background.) By the way, today was the first time that I have been asked for my light rail ticket. I was actually happy to see them checking.

Today I am also grateful for Carly. She's been cutting my hair for quite a few years now - 7 maybe? I've followed her to a couple of different salons, and introduced Jason and Karis to her. I really enjoy chatting with her. I can tell her things I haven't told anyone else. It was a relief to talk to her today. Plus I got a great haircut, and it gave me an excuse to ride the light rail!