Saturday, September 24, 2011

Reading variety

I used to read only one book at a time. In the last few years, though, I've changed that habit. I listen to books in the car (currently a mystery), read on my Kindle when I'm out of the house (currently a romance, plus occasional snippets of Self-Reliance by Emerson), and typically read paper books at home (just finished a fantasy novel). Yeah, that's most of the genres I read. Throw in a little biography and sometimes general fiction.

The fantasy, by the way, was Ravenous, first in the Dark Forgotten series by Sharon Ashwood (library classifies it as romance, but I really think of it as fantasy). A witch and a vampire team up to defeat a demon - with help from werewolves and hellhounds. Yeah, NOT my usual fare. But I read about the series on a blog I frequent, and started with the third book - Unchained. I liked it a lot and so now I'm reading the rest of the series. Now on to the next book on my vast to-read pile!