If you enjoy fantasy, I highly recommend her writing. My family will tell you that there must be something special about an author who can get me to enjoy stories about assassins and vampires.
This book is the first in a series about Keepers, whose job it is to plug holes in the fabric of the universe. The heroine and her cat arrive at a B&B and get stuck there monitoring the gateway to Hell in the furnace room. No assassins or vampires in this one. Yet.
If that isn't enough to get you interested, here are my favorite quotes so far:
"I've said it before and I'll say it again, evil has no imagination. Probably why so much of it ends up in municipal politics."
"Your father's likely to be worried about you being in such proximity to the hole in the furnace room."
"There's really no need to tell him about Hell, Mom."
"He's teaching in the public school system, Claire. He knows about Hell."